Burnout is not uncommon for those in the freelancing world, who often have to contend with working alone and outside the office.

Are you experiencing burnout?

When you're constantly on your laptop, working from home, or in a coffee shop, and you don't have coworkers to help you stay motivated and focused, it's easy to feel like you're doing everything by yourself.

You may find yourself working long hours and struggling to balance your responsibilities as a professional with the other parts of your life. This can lead to feelings of exhaustion and stress, which can cause burnout to occur.

Burnout is often caused by a lack of motivation or self-worth in your work. This can happen when you feel like your job isn't fulfilling or challenging enough, or if you're working too many hours without breaks or time off. If this sounds familiar, don't worry—there are ways to prevent burnout and even recover from it if you've already begun experiencing its symptoms!


  1. Take regular breaks from working on your computer or phone by going outside or doing something else entirely. For example, if all of your work requires you to sit at a desk all day long, try walking around the block every hour or so to give yourself a small break from sitting still and staring at a screen.
  2. Make sure that your workspace is comfortable, with good lighting, and never too hot or cold temperature-wise. If it's too cold outside, consider using a space heater for warmth; if it's too hot outside, consider using fans to circulate fresh air around the room.
  3. Make sure that there aren't any distractions around when you're working—on TV playing in the background or phone buzzing every few minutes with messages from friends checking in on social media.
  4. Make time for yourself. Set aside time each week that you can take care of yourself, whether it's taking a walk after work or just watching your favorite TV show.
  5. Schedule time each week to reflect on how well you're doing your job—and make goals for yourself based on what you learn from these reflections so you can continue improving!
  6. Avoid multitasking by focusing on one task at a time instead of trying to do multiple things at once (e.g., answering emails while working on an important project).