When dealing with non-technical stakeholders, it's important to remember that they don't know what you do and why you do it. They may not understand the value of your work or how much time it takes to complete it.

They may not even believe that something is possible until they see it work in real life. So you need to be prepared to educate them on what you do and why it matters.


  1. Always treat the stake with respect, even if you know they don't understand what you're saying.
  2. Use analogies instead of jargon.
  3. Use visual examples whenever possible. If you can draw out diagrams or flowcharts, do so! This makes things easier for everyone involved since visuals are easier for people to understand than text-based explanations alone.
  4. Be patient! The more time you spend explaining things to clients (even if they don't seem interested at first), the more likely they'll become truly engaged in understanding what's going on behind the scenes of their website or app project; this will pay off in increased satisfaction with your work in the long run!.
  5. You need to be ready for questions about the process involved in your work—your client might want more information than what you can provide in the initial meeting. That's okay! Just make sure they know they'll get more details later, but don't promise anything you can't deliver right away.
  6. Have some ideas ready for ways your client could benefit from your services—even if those benefits aren't necessarily part of what they're asking for at this point! You might find out later that introducing them to new concepts or possibilities could help resolve some of their concerns about working with someone new (or even just being able to understand how technology works)
  7. When you are working with a non-technical client, it is important to set clear expectations and goals.
  8. You should let them know what you are going to do and how long it will take. For example, if they want a website built, they should know that they will need to provide content, images, and text for the site.
  9. They should also be aware that if they want it done quickly, it will cost more money than if they are willing to wait longer.
  10. You can also explain some of the common pitfalls that technical clients run into when building websites (e.g., lack of content). This can help prevent your client from getting frustrated or upset with you later on when things go wrong because there was no plan in place beforehand.